DJ Mangoo on using Dirac Live in the studio
May 18, 2021
DJ Mangoo, Mattias Brånn, an artist from Uppsala, Sweden, has been making music for over 20 years. It all started in a small studio downtown. You’ve probably heard, or partied, to his song “Eurodancer”, released back in the year 2000. DJ Mangoo has been using Dirac Live for Studio for a while now and so we reached out to hear what he has to say about our room correction system.
“I use Dirac Live as the first part of my master chain in my music program. I sometimes carry out A/B tests to compare the difference and I find that the stereo image and control in the bass are clearer when I use Dirac, which makes it easier to make the right choices when mixing my tracks. What makes the whole thing extra exciting is that my room has not otherwise been corrected!”– DJ Mangoo.
About Dirac Live
Dirac Live for Studio is a technology and software that features Dirac’s patented algorithm to digitally reduce the room impacts and enhance the accuracy of sound reproduction, from timing and frequency response to imaging. As the most wanted digital room correction solution on market, Dirac Live tackles both time domain problems and frequency domain problems efficiently.
Dirac Live is loved by artists, audiophiles and home theater lovers across the globe.